Using bookmarks in Mercurial itself (was: Mercurial Workflow: Feature seperation via named branches)

Idan Kamara idankk86 at
Fri Jun 17 05:10:01 CDT 2011

2011/6/15 Martin Geisler <mg at>:
> By the way, maybe we should begin using some bookmarks in Mercurial
> itself: Henrik and I could push the patches for abandoned changesets as
> a branch with a bookmark and you and others could give much better and
> faster feedback in the form of commits instead of just chatting here.

How will that last bit you said work exactly?

Other devs will simply commit fixes to other devs work? What if
there's a disagreement?

I thought the whole point of sending patches to the list is to
have a discussion and let others review -before- committing stuff.

Also, won't it add a lot of 'noise'? i.e.:

commit 1: initial feature implementation
commit 2: fix 1
commit 3: fix 2
commit N: last fix
<merge to default>

instead of:

patches: implementation here
<sending to the list>
<getting feedback, fixing, refreshing patches>
<repeat 2 of the above until finished>
<push to crew>
<merge to default>

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