[PATCH] [mq] addchangegroupe finalize mq patches if changeset children are added

Dirkjan Ochtman dirkjan at ochtman.nl
Sat Mar 12 12:35:50 CST 2011

On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 19:29, Martin Geisler <mg at lazybytes.net> wrote:
>> Seems to me like we should instead just refuse to add changesets from
>> the pull to the repository if they descend from changes that are in
>> MQ. i.e. abort with a hint to finish the patches first.
> Why is that? If the pull brings in children of the mq patches, then that
> is because what is mq patches in our repository also exists as
> changesets in another repository. Then I think it makes good sense to
> finalize the mq patches since they've spread to somewhere else.

What if you pull from a remote which has the original + new mq patches applied?



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