hgbook build

Faheem Mitha faheem at email.unc.edu
Mon Mar 14 06:08:03 CDT 2011

On Sun, 13 Mar 2011, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 12:11 PM, Faheem Mitha <faheem at email.unc.edu> wrote:
>       Is the
>       build/$(LINGUA)/source/hgbook.xml
>       produced before the Java/Apache/FOP mess comes into play?
> Yep, it's generated in a docbook-to-docbook pass by the docbook tools themselves.
>       In other words, does the J/A/FOP just transform xml to pdf/html?
> That's right.

Thanks Bryan,

A couple more things.

First, the Makefile seems to be missing dependencies on the figures. 
Specifically, the PDF build gives errors if a figure is not built for some 
reason. The Makefile should not even be attempting to build it if that was 
the case. I get the impression from the Makefile that it is trying to 
build a list of required figures from what is actually in that directory. 
I don't think this approach will work too well, if the required figures 
have not been built. (Personally I'm make-illiterate. I use scons, which 
gets bad press but works for me.)

Second, there are some issues with Chinese fonts and dblatex. The book 
builds, but there are lots of errors like

Missing character &#x548c;
Missing character &#x8865;
Missing character &#x4e01;
Missing character &#x8bf4;
Missing character &#x660e;
Missing character &#x3002;
Missing character &#x4f7f;
Missing character &#x7528;
Missing character &#x7ed9;
Missing character &#x5b9a;
Missing character &#x6587;
Missing character &#x4ef6;

and the final hgbook.pdf produced is a mess. I installed latex-cjk-all per 
the changelog entry below, but it doesn't help.

Suggestions from experts?
                                                           Regards, Faheem.

dblatex (0.2.9-3) unstable; urgency=low

   * Improve CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) support:
     + Let XSL configuration parameter cjk.font default to gkai (instead of 
       cyberbit font not included in Debian).
     + Add Suggests dependency on latex-cjk-all for the gkai fonts.
     + Fix the db2latex style not to collide with the CJKutf8.sty file.
     Thanks to W. Martin Borgert for reporting and hints.
     Closes: #482857, #492350

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