Enable "hg push --new-branch" by default in hgrc

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Fri Mar 25 05:02:12 CDT 2011

On 03/25/2011 08:56 AM, Dominik Psenner wrote:
> I've got another usecase for "issue" named branches. A bugtracking tool
> could easily gather changesets related to the issue identified by IssueId
> and link to those changes by invoking something like:
> $ hg log -b IssueId
> Would you please tell me more about possible scalability problems and
> (computational) borders that can be encountered?

Mercurial will frequently iterate through branches, heads, tags and 
bookmarks. Contrary to that, revisions are usually not iterated. Lots of 
revisions is thus not a problem, but a similar number of branches might be.


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