[issue2736] hgwebdir: REMOTE_USER is None

Gottox bugs at mercurial.selenic.com
Mon Mar 28 22:25:37 UTC 2011

New submission from Gottox <g at s01.de>:

- Configuration

I'm using mercurial 1.7 on a Gentoo box. I'm running Apache/2.2.16 with WSGI 
and try to setup a hgwebdir with simple htpasswd authentication and 
restricted read/push configuration.

I created a test repository with deny_read = * and allow_read = someuser as 
well as deny_push = * and allow_push = someuser. The user exists in 

- What happens?

I'm able to login with the credentials of someuser, but no repository is 
shown. I can workaround the behavior by replacing the deny_* and allow_* by 
allow_read = * and allow_push = *. With this changes I'm able to read and 
push again. So it seems to be no problem about unix privileges.

- Debugging

I added some debug output to read_allowed in /usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/hgwebdir_mod.py to make it talky:

  114         if user is allowed to read the repo, else return False."""
  115         import traceback
  118         user = req.env.get('REMOTE_USER') 
  119         print user 
  120         traceback.print_stack() 
  121         print req.env 

 I noticed some strange behavior, that REMOTE_USER is not set, if I try to 
access hg.host.local/test:
-------- snip --------
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error] None
--- Comment: Above should be "someuser", not None
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]   File "/var/www/smjg.org/hg/hgweb.wsgi", 
line 19, in <module>
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]     wsgicgi.launch(application)
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/wsgicgi.py", line 73, in launch
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]     for chunk in content:
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/util.py", line 244, in increasingchunks
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]     for chunk in source:
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/templater.py", line 30, in _flatten
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]     for j in _flatten(i):
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/templater.py", line 23, in _flatten
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]     for i in thing:
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/templater.py", line 103, in _format
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]     for i in v:
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/hgwebdir_mod.py", line 271, in entries
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]     for row, parity in zip(rows, 
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/hgwebdir_mod.py", line 227, in rawentries
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]     if not self.read_allowed(u, req):
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/hgwebdir_mod.py", line 120, in read_allowed
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error]     traceback.print_stack()
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error] {'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET', 'USER': 'root', 
'HOME': '/root', 'QUERY_STRING': '', 'PATH': 
bin', 'CONSOLETYPE': 'pty', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'SHLVL': 
'1', 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http', 'RC_DEFAULTLEVEL': 'default', 
'DEFAULTLEVEL': 'default', 'SOFTLEVEL': 'default', 'wsgi.input': <open file 
'<stdin>', mode 'r' at 0x127ba020>, 'wsgi.multithread': False, 'SVCNAME': 
'apache2', '_': '/usr/sbin/apache2', 'wsgi.version': (1, 0), 
'wsgi.run_once': True, 'wsgi.errors': <mod_wsgi.Log object at 0x1282e908>, 
'wsgi.multiprocess': True, 'PWD': '/var/hg', 'BOOTLEVEL': 'boot', 
'RC_RUNLEVEL': 'default', 'RC_BOOTLEVEL': 'boot', 'PATH_INFO': ''}
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error] Status: 200 Script output follows\r
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error] Content-Type: text/html; charset=ascii\r
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error] \r
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error] 
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error] </body>
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error] </html>
[Tue Mar 29 00:15:22 2011] [error] 
-------- snap --------

On the other hand, if I call the repository index, at some point the User is 
correct, but still, no repository to see.

-------- snip --------
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error] someuser
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/util.py", line 244, in increasingchunks
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]     for chunk in source:
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/templater.py", line 30, in _flatten
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]     for j in _flatten(i):
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/templater.py", line 23, in _flatten
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]     for i in thing:
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/templater.py", line 103, in _format
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]     for i in v:
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/hgwebdir_mod.py", line 271, in entries
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]     for row, parity in zip(rows, 
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/hgwebdir_mod.py", line 227, in rawentries
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]     if not self.read_allowed(u, req):
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/hgwebdir_mod.py", line 120, in read_allowed
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error]     traceback.print_stack()
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:06 2011] [error] {'AUTH_TYPE': 'Basic', 
'mod_wsgi.listener_port': '443', 'HTTP_COOKIE': 
__utmc=175012768; phpbb3_5zkjz_sid=1ea1fdcbf06779e7a4c2dfde6846ab2d; 
phpbb3_5zkjz_k=ab9a71d8cc9c81b8; phpbb3_5zkjz_u=1432; 
organisationen%20bdsm|utmcmd=organic', 'mod_wsgi.listener_host': '', 
'SERVER_SOFTWARE': 'Apache', 'SCRIPT_NAME': '', 'mod_wsgi.handler_script': 
'', 'SERVER_SIGNATURE': '<address>Apache Server at hg.smjg.org Port 
443</address>\\n', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET', 'PATH_INFO': '/', 
'hg.smjg.org', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 
10_6_7; de-de) AppleWebKit/533.20.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.4 
Safari/533.20.27', 'HTTP_CONNECTION': 'keep-alive', 'SERVER_NAME': 
'hg.smjg.org', 'REMOTE_ADDR': '', 'mod_wsgi.request_handler': 
'wsgi-script', 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'https', 'PATH_TRANSLATED': 
'/var/www/smjg.org/hg/hgweb.wsgi/', 'SERVER_PORT': '443', 
'wsgi.multiprocess': True, 'mod_wsgi.input_chunked': '0', 'SERVER_ADDR': 
'', 'DOCUMENT_ROOT': '/var/www/smjg.org/hg/htdocs', 
'mod_wsgi.process_group': '', 'SCRIPT_FILENAME': 
'/var/www/smjg.org/hg/hgweb.wsgi', 'SERVER_ADMIN': '[no address given]', 
'wsgi.input': <mod_wsgi.Input object at 0x12a67de0>, 'REMOTE_USER': 
'someuser', 'HTTP_HOST': 'hg.smjg.org', 'HTTPS': '1', 'wsgi.multithread': 
False, 'mod_wsgi.callable_object': 'application', 'REQUEST_URI': '/', 
e/png,*/*;q=0.5', 'wsgi.version': (1, 1), 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE': 'CGI/1.1', 
'wsgi.run_once': False, 'wsgi.errors': <mod_wsgi.Log object at 0x12a61818>, 
'REMOTE_PORT': '63472', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': 'de-de', 'mod_wsgi.version': 
(3, 3), 'mod_wsgi.application_group': 'hg.smjg.org|', 
'mod_wsgi.script_reloading': '1', 'wsgi.file_wrapper': <built-in method 
file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x12a920f8>, 
'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, deflate', 'UNIQUE_ID': 
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error] None
--- Comment: Above should be "someuser", not None
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]   File "/var/www/smjg.org/hg/hgweb.wsgi", 
line 19, in <module>
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]     wsgicgi.launch(application)
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/wsgicgi.py", line 73, in launch
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]     for chunk in content:
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/util.py", line 244, in increasingchunks
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]     for chunk in source:
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/templater.py", line 30, in _flatten
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]     for j in _flatten(i):
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/templater.py", line 23, in _flatten
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]     for i in thing:
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/templater.py", line 103, in _format
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]     for i in v:
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/hgwebdir_mod.py", line 271, in entries
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]     for row, parity in zip(rows, 
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/hgwebdir_mod.py", line 227, in rawentries
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]     if not self.read_allowed(u, req):
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-
packages/mercurial/hgweb/hgwebdir_mod.py", line 120, in read_allowed
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error]     traceback.print_stack()
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error] {'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET', 'USER': 'root', 
'HOME': '/root', 'QUERY_STRING': '', 'PATH': 
bin', 'CONSOLETYPE': 'pty', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'SHLVL': 
'1', 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http', 'RC_DEFAULTLEVEL': 'default', 
'DEFAULTLEVEL': 'default', 'SOFTLEVEL': 'default', 'wsgi.input': <open file 
'<stdin>', mode 'r' at 0x127ba020>, 'wsgi.multithread': False, 'SVCNAME': 
'apache2', '_': '/usr/sbin/apache2', 'wsgi.version': (1, 0), 
'wsgi.run_once': True, 'wsgi.errors': <mod_wsgi.Log object at 0x1282e908>, 
'wsgi.multiprocess': True, 'PWD': '/var/hg', 'BOOTLEVEL': 'boot', 
'RC_RUNLEVEL': 'default', 'RC_BOOTLEVEL': 'boot', 'PATH_INFO': ''}
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error] Status: 200 Script output follows\r
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error] Content-Type: text/html; charset=ascii\r
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error] \r
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 
1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error] <html 
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-US">
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error] </body>
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error] </html>
[Tue Mar 29 00:17:07 2011] [error] 
-------- snap --------

messages: 15870
nosy: Gottox
priority: bug
status: unread
title: hgwebdir: REMOTE_USER is None

Mercurial issue tracker <bugs at mercurial.selenic.com>

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