[PATCH STABLE] fix bookmarks rollback behavior

Alexander Solovyov alexander at solovyov.net
Sat May 7 15:28:02 CDT 2011

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 20:30, Kevin Bullock
<kbullock+mercurial at ringworld.org> wrote:
>> fix bookmarks rollback behavior
> Seems related to this thread: http://markmail.org/message/ibucl5ud3aqsqbs3
> I make no claim that the behavior table in that post is correct, but as Matt has repeatedly pointed out, we need to keep all the related behaviors consistent. How does this compare to e.g. strip or qpop?

Well, this particular patch has nothing to do with strip (qpop uses
strip internally). Behavior of rollback was inconsistent, bookmark
pointers were not returning to the value they were before transaction
(as you can change bookmark N times after transaction, it doesn't
trigger transaction mechanism in mercurial), so sometimes you could
end up with broken 'hg bookmarks'.

> And what's the behavior with this patch? It looks like bookmarks that point to rolled-back revisions get reset to the null rev. I don't think this patch necessarily needs to do more than that, but I don't like this as the final behavior.

With this patch after rolling back you'll have bookmarks pointing to
same changesets they were pointing before transaction. If you have
introduced new bookmarks, they will be gone.


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