Traversing symlinks

Sune Foldager cryo at
Thu May 19 14:25:51 CDT 2011

On 19-05-2011 19:42, Matt Mackall wrote:

> Congratulations, you've just introduced a security hole that allows
> remote attackers to 0wn you on clone.
> Just for kicks, I tried my hand at making an evil repo. Here's what
> happens when we weaken the check on line 119 of as you've
> proposed and clone my nasty little repo:
>   $ hg clone http://localhost:8000/ a2
>   requesting all changes
>   adding changesets
>   adding manifests
>   adding file changes
>   added 1 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
>   updating to branch default
>   *** y00 haz bin 0wnz0red ***
>   2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved


> For bonus points, you've also broken checkouts on Windows.
> You may commence wearing a brown paper bag on your head... now.

Bah... this is poisonous and arro... no wait. But seriously, this is 
stupid. Let's be civil; no one's trying to steal your candy.

> I'm not going to tell you which of several possible exploit I used just
> yet, as the point of this exercise is to demonstrate that just because
> you can't imagine an attack doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Well for educational purpose, why don't you divulge your expert 
knowledge? :)  I, for one, would like to know.


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