How to handle copies.copies()

Choy Rim choy.rim at
Tue Nov 22 03:32:25 CST 2011

Frank A. Kingswood <frank <at>> writes:

> Hi!
> I'm currently using copies.copies (in the perfarce extension) to work out 
file copies, but have found a
> problem when moving a file.
> The first value returned from copies.copies(), and the debug output is:
>   searching for copies back to rev 57
>   unmatched files in local:
>    aa
>   unmatched files in other:
>    aaa
>   all copies found (* = to merge, ! = divergent):
>    aa -> a *
>    aaa -> aa *
> cpy={'aa': 'a', 'aaa': 'aa'}
> add=[('aaa', '')]
> rem=[('aa', '')]
> Revision 57 did a hg mv aa aaa. The copy from a to aa or vice versa was some 
time in the past, and aa was deleted and
> re-added afterwards.
> The add,rem values are from repo.status() and correctly indicate what 
> My question is, how should I parse the copies() return value to determine 
> Regards,
> Frank


I've run into the same issue while using Perfarce. It looks like copies.copies 
detects some bogus mappings. It will find another file from the first change 
context that matches a file removed from the second change context.

in my case, i moved a file from xxx -> yyy. but there's an identical copy of 
xxx at zzz. so i get a mapping from xxx -> yyy but also zzz -> xxx. so i got 
the error "abort: xxx at deadbeef: not found in manifest!"

so i added a hack into the copy forget loop which looks like

            forget = []
            for c in cpy:
                if not c in ctx2:
                    ui.debug('bogus copy mapping. ignoring.\n')
                ... etc. ...

Seems to work.


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