comparing dates in a mercurial hook

Matt Mackall mpm at
Fri Oct 14 13:25:51 CDT 2011

On Fri, 2011-10-14 at 18:05 +0000, Haszlakiewicz, Eric wrote:
> I'm trying to write a hook that doesn't apply to changesets older than
> 6 months, but I'm having trouble actually performing the date
> comparison.  I can't figure out what the date() function is returning,
> or how to work with it.  Can someone point me at an example that does
> stuff with the dates?

Why does everyone want to write hooks in Python?

On the command line, you can do this with something like:

 hg id -r "$SOMENODE and not date('-180')"

and get a non-zero return code if the set is empty.

> Here's a snippet of the code I have:
> def myhook(ui, repo, rev):
>     ctx = repo[rev]
>     """ don't validate really old changesets """
>     sixmonthsback = - timedelta(days=180)
>     if ( < sixmonthsback):
>         return 0

A datetime is presumably a number in seconds since (the local) UNIX
epoch. Mercurial dates are all of the form:

 (seconds since epoch in GMT, seconds offset from GMT)

so this comparison won't work. You should instead use

Mathematics is the supreme nostalgia of our time.

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