Call for testing: hackable Mercurial for Windows

Angel Ezquerra angel.ezquerra at
Thu Oct 20 15:56:27 CDT 2011

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 3:31 AM, Matt Mackall <mpm at> wrote:
> In an effort to get more Windows people hacking on Mercurial, I've built
> a proof-of-concept package here:
> (~50MB)
> that contains:
> - private copy of Python 2.6.6 (32-bit)
> - complete Mercurial history
> - pre-compiled extensions (32-bit MinGW gcc 4.6.1)
> - hg.exe wrapper to add to your path
> - in-place editable source checked out and ready to go
> You should be able to unzip this into a directory and start hacking on
> Mercurial immediately without affecting your existing Python or
> Mercurial installations. Because it contains the actual Mercurial repo,
> you should also be able to immediately pull and update to the latest
> development versions (until the extensions need recompiling).
> Please give it a spin!

I gave this a try and it works great! This will make hacking on
mercurial so much easier for us windows users!


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