Questions about contributing

Ben Hughes ben at
Thu Sep 8 07:48:16 CDT 2011

I once talked with a bank -- difficult not to when you're based in
Zurich, Switzerland :-) -- and they loved the idea of Mercurial. They
had one question for me, though: can we rename ".hg" to "_hg". This was
for compatibility between some old mainframe systems and the Windows
filesystem interface to them. While there may be some work around, I can
see some use for such a feature.

In one of my previous orgs we had some custom app that didn't like
Subversion's .svn directory - caused all sorts of strife :) I'm not sure if
they ever worked around it.

Getting the value for ".hg" from an environment variable seems like the
best solution since it is a global setting for the entire program and a
setting that needs to kick in before config files are read.

I'm not sure about that: an environment variable would (to me) make too easy
to change, which could lead to some of the problems that the other guys have
been pointing out.


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