Relative Path Names for extensions in hgrc

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Sun Apr 8 14:31:44 CDT 2012

A. S. Budden wrote, On 04/08/2012 08:18 PM:
> All,
> It would be really useful (for me) if I could use relative path names
> when loading extensions in hgrc.

This is almost TL;DR and hard to quote properly. But as far as I can see 
you are only discussing global configuration - not configuration 
specific or relative to the actual repo.

In general regarding the subject of relative paths in hgrc: There seems 
to be some inconsistencies in this area, and Matt requested an audit in . The core issue is to 
figure out what relative paths are relative to.

One backward compatible workaround could be to introduce some 
'$HG_CONFIGFILE' pseudo variable that could be used to specify that an 
otherwise relative path is relative to the config file it is specified 
in. (Yes, that is almost what you proposed.) (Another handy and 
potentially dangerous variable could perhaps be $HG_ROOT.)

See also regarding silent failing 
imports. The commit message is not very helpful, but you might be able 
to find some mailing list discussion. I suggest starting a new thread if 
you want to discuss that particular behaviour.


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