Exceeding the windows API MAX_PATH limit

Aaron Cohen aaron at assonance.org
Fri Apr 20 11:34:26 CDT 2012

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 6:59 AM, Angel Ezquerra <angel.ezquerra at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I've recently had some users that have shot themselves in the foot by
> add some files with really long paths to a mercurial repo. The file
> paths were longer than the windows API MAX_PATH, which is 260.
> The problem occurred when importing some data from a clearcase
> repository into mercurial. The ClearCase repository contained some
> files with very long paths (more than 200 characters). However,
> because ClearCase forces you (in our setup) to place all your
> repositories on some folder right on your C:\ drive, the total length
> of those file paths did not exceed 260 characters.
> A user created a mercurial repository right on the clearcase
> repository folder. Everything was added fine because in there all file
> paths were below MAX_PATH. He then cloned this repo into our shared
> server (into c:\mercurial\bad_repo). Again, all paths were below
> The problem came when another user tried to clone this repo into its
> machine. This user places all his repositories in "My
> Documents\repositories" (which I think is common for windows users).
> The clone went fine until it tried to update to tip, which failed
> because mercurial could not create some files whose paths would exceed
> MAX_PATH. The user can clone the repo right into its C:\ root without
> any issues.
> I think this problem is particularly tricky because the user making a
> commit cannot tell if it will fail in someone else's machine!
> So far I've come up with 4 solutions, none of which is really satisfactory:
> 1. Rename the files: it may be feasible in this particular case but
> there may be cases where this is just not possible (e.g. for source
> code that you do not control)
> 2. Always clone into the c:\ root or at least have all your repos in
> "c:\repos" or a similar path: This may be fine (and good advice) in
> general, but may not be ok on multi-user machines and in some cases
> you may not be able to chose where to clone into...
> 3. Use the subst command to create a temporary drive and work in
> there: I've seen this suggested online, but I don't know if this will
> cause problems since the files will live both on the "virtual drive"
> and on the original deep folder.
> 4. Use folder junctions: same issues as 3?
> Do you guys have any other solution?
> BTW, I've looked for info on this MAX_PATH limitation and it seems
> that this 260 MAX_PATH limit is a limitation of the windows API, not
> of the underlying NTFS file system, which can support files of up to
> 32,767 characters (with a limit of 255 per individual 'path element').
> Apparently the unicode version of the windows API _mostly_ supports
> long paths. It seems that you can access the unicode APIs by
> prepending your paths with "\\?\":
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247%28VS.85%29.aspx#maxpath
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bclteam/archive/2007/02/13/long-paths-in-net-part-1-of-3-kim-hamilton.aspx
> The second link is particularly interesting (specially part 2).
> Unfortunately a quick test shows that python's open function does not
> support this.

This is what my extension uses (with some caveats). I lost hope of
integrating it with mercurial proper, so it is currently only tested
through mercurial 2.02, but it works fine for me, and I haven't seen any
changes. Please let me know whether it works for you, I will be very happy
to assist if you run into problems.
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