Obsolete Development

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at logilab.fr
Mon Aug 6 08:49:07 CDT 2012

On Fri, Aug 03, 2012 at 06:40:02PM -0500, Sean Farley wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just spent the day learning and playing around with Pierre-Yves's
> obsolete and evolve extensions with the newest mercurial and they are
> _really_ cool! I just had a few questions about its development.
> 1) For the logilab webpages / docs, how would the group like patches,
> i.e. pull-requests, mailing-list, or something else?
> 2) For the terminology, it seems some keywords have been decided upon,
> and some have not ("I’m not very happy with this naming scheme and I’m
> looking for a better distinction between direct successors and **any
> successors*." from
> http://hg-lab.logilab.org/doc/mutable-history/html/obs-terms.html).
> I'm more interested in discussing the command names, such as, `gup`,
> `gdown`, etc. Where should that happen?
> 3) Similar to (1), where should patches for code (not docs) go? Same
> place as (1)?


Thanks for your interrest in evolve!

Both document and code are hosted on bitbucket:


Contribution can be submitted by pull request from either bitcket or obsolete
enabled repo[1].

I believe that discussion can happen on the mercurial list for now. We'll move
to a dedicated list if the amount get out of control. As a lot of code are
aimed for code, UI and terminolgy discussion deserves to happen on this list

> 4) Are there any particular features that experimental users should be testing?

Use it has you wish, imagine usage, understand the principe. What we need the
most for now is people used to the basic concept that can make insighful point
during design discussion.


Pierre-Yves David


[1] as this repository: http://hg-lab.logilab.org/

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