hook invocation output and -v

Matt Harbison matt_harbison at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 14 22:50:31 CDT 2012

It seems odd to me that -v will cause a line to be printed that a hook is being
called (and with a function address no less), when this seems more like a
--debug option.  I don't think that a normal user who just wants _some_ extra
status/feedback would know what that line means anyway.

It's somewhat distracting when doing a qpush -v, and I submitted a recent patch
[1] whose test would also benefit from -v on push.  But when I rebased the patch
from default to stable, the address of the function changed, so I opted to leave
it out for stability of the test suite.

I know output needs to be stable for parsing, though I assume this is relaxed a
bit for -v output.  So would changing the print condition from -v to --debug be
acceptable for the "calling hook xxx.." line?


[1] http://www.selenic.com/pipermail/mercurial-devel/2012-August/043574.html

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