hg-2.3 build fails with python-docutils ~0.10 snapshot rev 7490

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Mon Aug 20 18:38:35 CDT 2012

Matt Mackall wrote, On 08/20/2012 09:53 PM:
>>    If I understand correctly what you're asking for, I think that would
>> be a non-starter.  We have to work with whatever version the
>> distribution provides.  There are not options to parallel install
>> multiple versions.
> So? Even if this were a run-time conflict rather than a build time
> conflict, what matters is that it's a genuine conflict and any
> non-broken packaging system already must deal with such problems. In
> particular, a package manager should disallow you from installing
> packages X and Y if they depend on incompatible versions of libZ. In an
> ecosystem with thousands of packages, there will unavoidably always be
> packages in the pool that have mutually conflicting dependencies.

Distributions have different philosophies. The Fedora / Red Hat 
philosophy is that conflicting dependencies isn't acceptable and that 
there in general only should be one packaged version of each "package". 
Issues should be resolved, either from or to upstream.

The docutils regression is tracked upstream at 


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