Pulling from a non default path followed update fails when using subrepos

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Fri Dec 21 17:28:01 CST 2012

Angel Ezquerra wrote, On 12/21/2012 10:49 AM:
> We have found a pretty annoying workflow problem when using subrepos.

It seems like you are fighting a fundamental design decision / 
observation of subrepos: subrepos are pulled lazily on demand. Full 
history is thus not necessarily present in all repos as it is with 
ordinary Mercurial. Subrepos is thus not very useful in a disconnected / 
distributed / ad-hoc connected setup. I doubt you will have a pleasant 
ride if that is what you are trying to do.

But as http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Subrepository recommends: "To 
get pull and update in one step, use 'pull --update'. It might be a good 
idea to always pull with --update if you have any subrepositories. That 
will generally ensure that updates not will miss any changesets and that 
update thus not will cause any pulls."

If you want something different from what Subrepos provides then I 
suggest writing and using an extension. Subrepos was not designed to be 
flexible - your extension can be that and do exactly what you want. The 
extension can of course either tweak Subrepos or implement something 
completely different.

> What do you guys think?

Don't use subrepos!


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