The generics of translation

Adrian Buehlmann adrian at
Thu Jul 5 15:29:46 CDT 2012

On 2012-07-05 20:35, Fabian Kreutz wrote:

> Adrian Buehlmann wrote:


>> Seeing "Revision" in a Swiss German text used for mercurial's "revision"
>> is completely confusing. Here, an exact transliteration is producing an
>> error. Unfortunately.
> So what do you propose as alternative? Version?
> I'm all for it!

I just installed Poedit, copied de.po to de_CH.po and currently have a
hard time finding an alternative. :-)

"Version" is definitely better than "Revision", yes.

Perhaps you know the German term "Steuerprüfung" (Am. Engl.: "tax
audit")? In Switzerland the same thing is called "Steuer-Revision".
So... We really can't take "Revision".


> But since we are scarce on contributors I hope we can manage the thing
> somehow. Is it not possible that you work on de.po in general and
> sync via diff and patch into de_ch, which differs only in few places?

I don't think that will work. But we can surely inspire each other.

Currently, I'm ripping out the (IMHO) horrible "Änderungssatz" and I'm
replacing it with "Changeset" (for de_CH.po only!).

I don't think that's up for discussion on de.po.

BTW, the French Mercurial translaters agree on using "changeset". They
take "changeset" in the French translation. I love that. Take a look in
their .po.

They are using "fusionner" for "merging", which seems less horrible to
my ears than "Zusammenfügen". But I'll stick with "mergen" for de_CH.po.

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