The generics of translation

Adrian Buehlmann adrian at
Fri Jul 6 03:49:06 CDT 2012

On 2012-07-06 09:41, Fabian Kreutz wrote:
> May I also ask, why you prefer "Das File" to "Die Datei"?

I don't have a problem with using "Datei" in a German translation.

It's a very broadly accepted German translation and German Windows
itself uses "Datei".

So I'm certainly not going to replace "Datei" for de_CH.po with "File".

I think I was just saying that developers here are perfectly used to
understanding and using "File" when talking in German to each other.
They don't depend on having "Datei" in a translation. There would be
nothing bad with using "File" in a German translation.

But they also don't have any problem to hear and understand "Datei".
Why? Because it's an established translation. I think mostly due to
German Windows.

"Datei" is just not usually used here among developers. They use "File"
(in German sentences). But if some developer happens to use the word
"Datei", no one will be confused here and no one will ask back what it

Again, "Datei" is a well established translation.

Not so with "Änderungssatz" or "zusammenführen", I believe.

But I have heard you Fabian (and understood), that you said that you
want to establish these new translations ("Änderungssatz" or

But that's what I doubt will work. Already esatblished practice here is
"Changeset" and "mergen". So you are too late Fabian. At least with
respect to Switzerland.

I'm sorry that I have to insist. But "Änderungssatz" or "zusammenführen"
is not going to work here in Switzerland. It's awkward and doesn't
really add value other than introducing potential confusion by
introducing yet more terms for people who are already in the way of
grasping the concepts of DVCS. And as was already pointed out, the
French translators came to the conclusion to use 'changeset' too. But in
single quotes (I think the single quotes aren't needed for de_CH.po).

(apologies for the length. I'm trying to be precise. I think we can't
make progress without being precise)

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