Obsolete Terminology

Danek Duvall danek.duvall at oracle.com
Tue Jul 17 22:40:00 UTC 2012

Pierre-Yves David wrote:

> Old changesets are called **precursors** while their new versions are called
> **successors**. A marker always registers a single *precursor* and:
> - no *successor*: the *precursor* is just discarded.
> - one *successor*: the *precursor* has been rewritten
> - multiple *successors*: the *precursor* were splits in multiple
>   changesets.

Why not multiple precursors?  I would think that precisely represents the
"fold" subcommand you talk about below -- obsoleting multiple existing
changesets in favor of a single new one.  Or are you representing that in
some other fashion?


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