On compressing revlogs

Bryan O'Sullivan bos at serpentine.com
Tue Jun 5 02:07:49 CDT 2012

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 9:38 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan <bos at serpentine.com> wrote:

> Wow, that's impressive. I'll take a look, thanks.

lz4 is very impressive indeed - twice as fast as snappy, and more portable
because it's not C++. The Python bindings were kind of scary, but I fixed
the obvious bugs and submitted a pull request.

So far, lz4 doesn't translate to a huge performance difference with
Mercurial compared to snappy, but it's very promising. In part this is
because I'm still using zlib to store revs of > 1e6 bytes, but I just added
support for lz4's HC compression mode to the lz4 bindings, and will see how
that fares.
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