Path fun on Windows

Adrian Buehlmann adrian at
Wed Jun 6 10:10:49 CDT 2012

On 2012-06-06 16:10, Mads Kiilerich wrote:
> On 06/06/12 15:37, Adrian Buehlmann wrote:


>> I think it would be worth a try and seeing how it works with removing
>> the pwd -W alias.
>> Maybe we then need to find a way to map tempdir paths in the output
>> lines like
>>    /tmp/hgtests.qfl8xz/test-a.t
>> back to
>>    $TESTTMP
>> Or perhaps we should simply avoid writing such paths to the output.
> I guess it will fail in places where we write `pwd` to a config file. 
> The advantage of `pwd -W` is that it doesn't require further escaping in 
> sh and is understood by windows.

Indeed it fails.

I came up with

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -612,10 +612,11 @@
     script = []
+    script.append('pwd\n') # let's have the value of MSYS's alias for $TESTTMP
+                           # as the first line in the ouput, so we can replace
+                           # it with "$TESTTMP" too in the rest of the ouput
     if options.debug:
         script.append('set -x\n')
-    if os.getenv('MSYSTEM'):
-        script.append('alias pwd="pwd -W"\n')
     for n, l in enumerate(t):
         if not l.endswith('\n'):
             l += '\n'
@@ -701,6 +702,15 @@
     postout = []
     ret = 0
     for n, l in enumerate(output):
+        if n == 0:
+            # The first line in the output is a path that should
+            # be replaced with $TESTTMP later, so we don't see MSYS
+            # paths like '/tmp/hgtests.qfl8xz/test-a.t' in the
+            # output
+            testtmpalias = l.rstrip('\n')
+            continue
+        else:
+            l = l.replace(testtmpalias, "$TESTTMP")
         lout, lcmd = l, None
         if salt in l:
             lout, lcmd = l.split(salt, 1)

which works for quite a number of tests, but it fails for example for test-abort-checkin.t,
which contains

  $ abspath=`pwd`/

  $ echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "mq=" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "abortcommit = $abspath" >> $HGRCPATH

and then fails with

   $ hg init foo
+  *** failed to import extension abortcommit from $TESTTMP/ [Errno 2] No such file or directory

so we *do* have to keep the "pwd -W" alias for MSYS.

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