Hackable Mercurial: linker_exe and no-cygwin

Adrian Buehlmann adrian at cadifra.com
Fri Jun 8 01:33:00 CDT 2012

On 2012-06-08 03:42, Eduard-Cristian Stefan wrote:
> On 2012-06-08 03:59, Eduard-Cristian Stefan wrote:
>> I have fixed the absolute path detection in exemaker just
>> to be able to specify a relative path to the python bin.
> I'm tired and wrong, sorry.
> When I first read about hackable I have tried
> the provided exemaker binary with an existing hg repo
> and with a python interpreter installed on different drives,
> and that was the case that wasn't working.
> Relative paths were working just fine.

Does that mean that your change
was unneeded?

(Note that I'm still learning about exemaker, and that's the reason why
I'm asking. Until I have grasped a subject a bit more, I ususally ask
quite a bunch of silly or odd looking questions.)

> My apologies,

No problem at all! I think everyone is entitled to making errors. After
all, we can learn from errors (I just wish my ability to memorize things
would be better, so I wouldn't repeat past ones that often).

BTW, I'm grateful for your help on mercurial-devel. Thanks!


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