Testsuite with x64 Mercurial on Windows

Adrian Buehlmann adrian at cadifra.com
Wed Jun 20 12:49:05 CDT 2012

On 2012-06-20 19:29, timeless wrote:
> Note that there's one other silly variable floating around. Just
> because someone's on a 64bit version of Windows doesn't necessarily
> mean they want to run the 64bit version of Python(hg). 

Right. And we don't. I have

  64-bit Python in: C:\Python27_x64\python.exe
  32-bit Python in: C:\Python27_x86\python.exe

So it's as simple as using the right python and I have chosen the
bit-ness. On my Windows 7 x64.

I also have a C:\python symbolic link which points to either of these.
It's just a convenience.

And again: for the testsuite, we don't need hg.exe [1], python.exe
perfectly does the job. So why reinvent the wheel?

I would really love if we could limit the scope of this puzzle to where
it belongs: HackableMercurial.

Running the testsuite neither needs HackableMercurial nor exemaker. Why
do we insist on shoving exemaker into everyone's throat?

[1] currently we do, but it would be easily possibly to eliminate that

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