Running tests on windows

Noel Grandin noel at
Wed Mar 28 01:19:33 CDT 2012

As a bystander (and a Windows developer), I'm curious, what would be the 
best way to engage people to get a patch reviewed?
Which of the volunteers are best able (and willing) to review 
Windows-specific patches?

Thanks, Noel Grandin

On 2012-03-27 20:52, Matt Mackall wrote:
> And that means everything else happens on a volunteer basis. We have 
> -only volunteers- (ie people with full-time responsibilities doing 
> other things) who are experts on your particular NTLM/SSPI/IIS issues. 
> So when you throw your patch over the fence, odds are quite good that 
> unless it's "obviously correct" so non-experts like me can review it, 
> it's just going to sit there unless you proactively engage people. 


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