hg import to apply patch to a subdirectory

Martin Geisler mg at aragost.com
Fri May 4 05:21:23 CDT 2012

Sean Farley <sean.michael.farley at gmail.com> writes:

>> I can see how this would be useful, though it's not something I've
>> needed before -- when I apply patches coming from 'hg export', then
>> they're already rooted correctly at the repository root.
>> Where do you get your patches from if they only apply on a
>> subdirectory?
> These patches usually come from subdirectories that /should/ be
> subrepositories but for reasons out of my control are not. Using
> transplant has been extremely nice for the 'strip' direction (I was
> able to patch transplant to pass --strip down to patch.patch) but the
> other direction would be more code intrusion than just a patch for
> transplant.py; hence this email asking about potential ideas.

Okay, so you have two unrelated repositories main and sub. You
transplant changes from sub into main, applying them onto a subdirectory
of main that "happens" to look just like sub. Hmm... :)

It doesn't sound like a very common workflow. I was going to suggest
using the --filter flag for transplant, but I see now that filterdiff
will remove the Mercurial patch header. So it's not just a matter of

  hg transplant \
    --filter "filterdiff --strip 2 --addoldprefix a/ --addnewprefix b/"

when stripping out the top-level directory.

Since it's more complicated than that, maybe we should include an option
for this? I'm not really sure...

Martin Geisler

aragost Trifork
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