[PATCH stable] httpclient (experimental): use blocking socket for ssl wrapping (issue3268)

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Fri May 18 14:58:41 CDT 2012

Mads Kiilerich wrote, On 05/18/2012 09:50 PM:
> The failing connection could be seen with
>    $ tests/tinyproxy.py&
>    $ hg id --config ui.usehttp2=1 --config http_proxy.host=localhost:8000 https://bitbucket.org/mirror/mercurial

There is apparently no tests for 'http2' - this might be something that 
should be added to the upstream test suite instead.

It seems like mercurial/httpclient/tests/ is dead code. Shouldn't it 
either be run as a part of the test suite or be dropped here and only be 
run upstream?


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