[PATCH 2 of 9] hgk: fix pop-up windows

Andrew Shadura bugzilla at tut.by
Wed Nov 7 09:15:10 CST 2012

# HG changeset patch
# User Andrew Shadura <bugzilla at tut.by>
# Date 1350394316 -7200
# Node ID 6e00dd025800b8863a2e5ea56c436485a0911a0b
# Parent  e938f499c00812ee7b5326386a18b422ce6fa498
hgk: fix pop-up windows

Create pop-up windows properly so they go to the floating layer in
tiling window managers. Also, replace labels with window titles.

diff --git a/contrib/hgk b/contrib/hgk
--- a/contrib/hgk
+++ b/contrib/hgk
@@ -101,6 +101,18 @@ proc gitdir {} {
+proc popupify {w} {
+    wm resizable $w 0 0
+    wm withdraw $w
+    update
+    set x [expr {([winfo screenwidth .]-[winfo reqwidth $w])/2}]
+    set y [expr {([winfo screenheight .]-[winfo reqheight $w])/2}]
+    wm geometry  $w +$x+$y
+    wm transient $w .
+    wm deiconify $w
+    wm resizable $w 1 1
 proc getcommits {rargs} {
     global commits commfd phase canv mainfont env
     global startmsecs nextupdate ncmupdate
@@ -491,6 +503,7 @@ proc error_popup msg {
     ttk::button $w.ok -text OK -command "destroy $w"
     pack $w.ok -side bottom -fill x
     bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
+    popupify $w
     tkwait window $w
@@ -927,6 +940,7 @@ Use and redistribute under the terms of 
     pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
     ttk::button $w.ok -text Close -command "destroy $w"
     pack $w.ok -side bottom
+    popupify $w
 set aunextcolor 0
@@ -3698,13 +3712,11 @@ proc mkpatch {} {
     set patchtop $top
     catch {destroy $top}
     toplevel $top
-    ttk::label $top.title -text "Generate patch"
-    grid $top.title - -pady 10
     ttk::label $top.from -text "From:"
     ttk::entry $top.fromsha1 -width 40
     $top.fromsha1 insert 0 $oldid
     $top.fromsha1 conf -state readonly
-    grid $top.from $top.fromsha1 -sticky w
+    grid $top.from $top.fromsha1 -sticky w -pady {10 0}
     ttk::entry $top.fromhead -width 60
     $top.fromhead insert 0 $oldhead
     $top.fromhead conf -state readonly
@@ -3733,6 +3745,8 @@ proc mkpatch {} {
     grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
     grid $top.buts - -pady 10 -sticky ew
     focus $top.fname
+    popupify $top
+    wm title $top "Generate a patch"
 proc mkpatchrev {} {
@@ -3778,13 +3792,11 @@ proc mktag {} {
     set mktagtop $top
     catch {destroy $top}
     toplevel $top
-    ttk::label $top.title -text "Create tag"
-    grid $top.title - -pady 10
     ttk::label $top.id -text "ID:"
     ttk::entry $top.sha1 -width 40
     $top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
     $top.sha1 conf -state readonly
-    grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w
+    grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w -pady {10 0}
     ttk::entry $top.head -width 60
     $top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($rowmenuid) 0]
     $top.head conf -state readonly
@@ -3800,6 +3812,8 @@ proc mktag {} {
     grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
     grid $top.buts - -pady 10 -sticky ew
     focus $top.tag
+    popupify $top
+    wm title $top "Create a tag"
 proc domktag {} {
@@ -3858,13 +3872,11 @@ proc writecommit {} {
     set wrcomtop $top
     catch {destroy $top}
     toplevel $top
-    ttk::label $top.title -text "Write commit to file"
-    grid $top.title - -pady 10
     ttk::label $top.id -text "ID:"
     ttk::entry $top.sha1 -width 40
     $top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
     $top.sha1 conf -state readonly
-    grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w
+    grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w -pady {10 0}
     ttk::entry $top.head -width 60
     $top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($rowmenuid) 0]
     $top.head conf -state readonly
@@ -3884,6 +3896,8 @@ proc writecommit {} {
     grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
     grid $top.buts - -pady 10 -sticky ew
     focus $top.fname
+    popupify $top
+    wm title $top "Write commit to a file"
 proc wrcomgo {} {

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