.hg folder contains no store folder.

Chris Webb chris at arachsys.com
Mon Sep 3 10:14:39 CDT 2012

Adrian Buehlmann <adrian at cadifra.com> writes:

> If someone oddly enough would want to insist on having a repo in the
> very first format *and* keep it in that format when using it with
> current Mercurial

I've had format.usestore set to zero in my .hgrc for a number of years to
avoid the pathname mangling, which seems an unnecessary piece of ugliness in
my local repos. (I don't have any filesystems suffering from the problems
that make it necessary, and seeing filenames like _r_e_a_d_m_e.i always made
me cringe though I do understand why they are a necessary evil if you're
going to share storage with windows and the like.)

Of course, any proposed changes here wouldn't affect me because of that
global setting so I'm not objecting in any way, just asking out of curiosity
whether there is any significance to your description of this as a 'rusty
old format' beyond disabling the pathname mangling? Are there now useful
features even on unix filesystems which I lose by turning off store/fncache?

(If not, I'll happily continue acting as a human test-suite to exercise this
particular code path!)



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