.hg folder contains no store folder.

Adrian Buehlmann adrian at cadifra.com
Mon Sep 3 11:28:30 CDT 2012

On 2012-09-03 17:14, Chris Webb wrote:
> Adrian Buehlmann <adrian at cadifra.com> writes:
>> If someone oddly enough would want to insist on having a repo in the
>> very first format *and* keep it in that format when using it with
>> current Mercurial
> I've had format.usestore set to zero in my .hgrc for a number of years to
> avoid the pathname mangling, which seems an unnecessary piece of ugliness in
> my local repos.

Sure, but format.usestore=0 does not imply revlogv0, which you get if
you create an empty .hg yourself.

I don't think you want revlogv0, do you?

(take a look into your requires file)

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