Update fails after pulling from a non default path that has modified subrepos

Angel Ezquerra angel.ezquerra at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 04:04:16 CDT 2012


When you have subrepos on your repository, running pull on the top
repository does not pull changes from its subrepos. Instead subrepos
are pulled "as needed" when you update to the corresponding parent
repository revisions.

This causes a problem if you ever pull from a non default path,
because hg update uses the defautl path when pulling subrepos. As far
as I know there is no way to tell hg update to use a different pull
source, nor to tell hg pull to pull all subrepos.

I guess the best solution would be to add a --subrepos flag to hg
pull. Adding a way to specify the pull source to hg update would be
nice to be able to fix this issue after the fact as well.

I'm not sure that I will have the time to add this myself, but I may
give it a shot if this seems a good idea (particularly adding the
--subrepos flag to hg pull).



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