[PATCH RFC] update: default update should move as far forward as possible (issue3883)

Kevin Bullock kbullock+mercurial at ringworld.org
Thu Apr 11 14:00:57 CDT 2013

On 11 Apr 2013, at 12:23 PM, Durham Goode wrote:

> If a user sees "abort: crosses branches" they're going to have to
> investigate anyway to learn why it failed.  That same investigation holds
> true with my change if hg update reports nothing changed. I think the new
> behavior is more globally useful and intuitive (for anonymous branch
> workflows, named branch flows, and bookmark flows).

Just to clarify, I think we're worried about (at least) two cases here:




where A, B, and C are local changes and D & E were pulled from upstream. AFAIU, your patch would report "nothing changed" in the former case, but update to C in the latter. (For those following along, we currently try to update to E in either case, and abort.)

Seeing "nothing changed" is a good hint, but only helps with the first case (and only helps partially anyway).

pacem in terris / мир / शान्ति / ‎‫سَلاَم‬ / 平和
Kevin R. Bullock

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