[PATCH hglib] client: update method parses only the line with known format

Idan Kamara idankk86 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 23 13:35:01 CDT 2013

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Александр Плавин <me at aplavin.ru> wrote:

> However, don't know how to add test for it as hglib doesn't support
> largefiles extension (and, if I get it right, any extension).

You can pass --config args to hgclient's ctor to enable it, like you
normally do on the command line.
It's not easy to do it in a test since it opens a client for you, but
opening another should suffice (or you could extract parsing the output to
a standalone function and test that).
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