[PATCH 14 of 20] hgweb: add ajaxScrollInit skeleton

Alexander Plavin alexander at plav.in
Tue Aug 13 13:26:18 CDT 2013

13.08.2013, 21:56, "Dave S" <snidely.too at gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 1:34 AM, Alexander Plavin <alexander at plav.in> wrote:
>> 13.08.2013, 03:32, "Dave S" <snidely.too at gmail.com>:
>>> (resend, to list this time)
>>> I haven't figured out who much the page is growing; Opera's "page info" tool doesn't seem clear about this, and I haven't looked enough to have a better tool.
>> Don't get what you want to say here by 'who (how?) much the page is growing'. It grows 60 entries each time you scroll to the bottom.
> Yes, "how much"; I apologize for the proof-reading goof.  I couldn't tell if it was growing by 6 or 60 entries, and having a visual clue would have been nice.  I was also looking for Opera page-info to tell me, and it didn't ... at least not in a way I could recognize; I think the numbers it displayed reflected the initial load, and didn't change when I scolled down and triggered some more.

As for visual clue, I'm sorry: the deployment to the server wasn't complete (now it is). So, look again - there is a tiny horizontal line between 'pages'. And I don't get what you say about Opera page-info and what you want to see there.

> Also, I am not certain I prefer "grows by 60" to "moves the visible buffer by 60" (Android, and I guess MySQL, call this a "cursor"); in the latter case, the top of the window would be showing a different line after each dynamic load (and maybe with a cursor, you want to move 60/2, and also have to add dynamic up-scrolling).

I haven't seen any website using such technique, so it seems to be very unintuitive and unexpected behavior.

> Which behavior is better is probably highly subjective, and I don't claim to speak for the consensus (yet).
>>> Also, the less-more-+60 links seem to behave a little oddly, sometimes giving just 1 or 2 lines of output. Hmmm, this happens consistently when I jump to 0, but then there are no commits older than that, so it makes sense (I guess). I haven't figured out again what I did to get 2 lines.
>> If I understand you correctly, this is the right behavior (and has nothing to do with infinite scrolling). If you open the page of shortlog where the first revision shown is 1st revision in the repo, it will show you only only this revision, same for 2nd and so on.
> I think that accounts for what I saw, although I don't think "2" was a choice that was offered in those links, so I'm not sure how I got there.
>>> I do feel that I'm not sure where I am after scrolling down a few times to load more lines; the date of the c/s is there of course, but the rev number shown next to less-more is for the top of the page, isn't it? So I'm guessing or counting on my thumbs for the revs at the bottom.
>> Revision number near the less-more links always relate to the beginning of the list, same as it was before.
> Yes, but in the past there was always a fixed relationship between the top and bottom numbers, and even my grey cells could compute that, but they start thrashing when trying to figure out where I am with infinite  scrolling.

As for me, changing the revision number on top or bottom (or both) will confuse users and has little sense.

> /dps
> --
> test signature -- please apply at front gate on Tuesdays only.

P.S.: add list to the CC please :)

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