rollback deprecation

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at
Wed Jul 17 16:49:34 CDT 2013

On 17 juil. 2013, at 23:25, Angel Ezquerra wrote:

> Maybe rollback (or an equivalent evolution command) could turn the rolled back revision hidden instead of removing it?

`hg rollback` get rid of stuff by undoing the latest repository transaction (for whatever that means) it will do it for ever and it was a very bad idea to expose it to the user.

`hg prune` (current name in evolve). Get rid of a changeset by the creation of an obsolescence marker. The changeset because obsolete and hidden to the user.

`hg uncommit` (current name in evolve). Extract change from a commit. The commit is rewritten without extracted changes and the working copy files are left untouched (so they get back to "M"). (the older version of the commit is obsolete).


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