Specify cipher list?

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Fri Sep 20 13:02:04 CDT 2013

On Fri, 20 Sep 2013 13:47:20 -0400
Augie Fackler <lists at durin42.com> wrote:
> > Or can Adam shed a light about that?
> I can ask if people are concerned. I'm pretty sure that's similar to what
> chrome would use. I think that list he gave prefers things that offer
> perfect forward secrecy over things that don't.

My concern is for Python's ssl module to have decent defaults for the
cipher list. The ssl module has much broader uses than Mercurial or
even general HTTP, however, so it must be more conservative, which is
why I would like to have a bit more context about that cipher list.



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