[PATCH] convert: add --authormapsuffix to append set text toauthor names (issue4171))

Lawrence Stewart lstewart at room52.net
Tue Apr 15 01:51:17 CDT 2014

On 04/15/14 04:36, Sean Farley wrote:
> Mads Kiilerich <mads at kiilerich.com> writes:
>> On 04/14/2014 06:45 AM, Pierre-Yves David wrote:
>>> So, what about the original patch? Shall it be dropped or should we 
>>> expect a new fixed version?
>> As mentioned Feb 14th, I think it would be better if it we could rework 
>> this into a more generic solution instead of releasing it and getting 
>> the liability of maintaining it forever.
>> On a very related note: the same applies to the fine patches that 
>> introduced closemap and tagmap - features that haven't been released yet.
>> I do however not have any code to show for a generic solution ...
> I completely agree. I just haven't had the time to write a way to plug
> in custom python code :-(

FWIW, I'm actively using the authormap patch for the hg-beta.freebsd.org
repo. I'm ok with dropping the patch for consideration and I can keep it
applied locally, but it would be good to have a plan for getting to the
generic solution we discussed a while back.


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