[PATCH] https: support tls sni (server name indication) for https urls (issue3090)

Matt Mackall mpm at selenic.com
Wed Apr 23 14:17:47 CDT 2014

On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 12:48 -0600, Alex Orange wrote:
> I haven't heard anything in quite some time, and since the inbox numbers
> are low I've decided to bump. Is there any more action I need to take on
> this? Is someone looking at it?

I briefly discussed this with Augie, who I'd asked to review it. He's
given it a once or twice over and come away with the conclusion that he
doesn't have enough time to properly review it from a security

In related news, I went to the Python Language Summit two weeks ago and
complained about the current state of affairs. Two major things came out
of this:

- an agreement that Python 2.7 was not actually dead and just pining for
the fjords:


- a plan to fix a bunch of stuff (including SNI support) for 2.7.7,


So, it looks like the way forward is going to be 2.7.7. If you can
figure out a way to publish your changes as a third-party extension, 
that's probably the best way to bridge the gap until that happens.

Mathematics is the supreme nostalgia of our time.

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