[PATCH] https: support tls sni (server name indication) for https urls (issue3090)

Matt Mackall mpm at selenic.com
Mon Apr 28 16:37:23 CDT 2014

On Sat, 2014-04-26 at 18:05 -0600, Alex Orange wrote:
> First off, congratulations Matt on managing to get them to accept reality
> wrt Python 2. Given that the 2.7.7 release is slated for late May this
> sounds like a workable solution.
> I strongly disagree with your (Augie) implication that because it is a
> seldom-requested feature it is a seldom-wanted feature.

Yeah, I disagree that it's seldom-wanted too.. I want it on
selenic.com/hg, for instance.

I think you should take seriously my suggestion to reshape your code
into an extension. People using RHEL 5 or similar will get a lot of
mileage out of it.

> **One question**: has anyone picked this up as far as writing a patch for
> Python 2.7.7? If not, I would be interested in applying the knowledge of
> where the hostname needs to get passed around a bit more to making a patch
> for Python 2.7.7. I assume I should just start a new email (as opposed to
> replying to this one) for that, as the solution will be much much simpler
> and bear little resemblance to this patch.

I think Alex Gaynor (of PyPy fame) is particularly enthusiastic about
this work.

Mathematics is the supreme nostalgia of our time.

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