[PATCH 1 of 9 (38 total)] exchange: extract push function from localrepo

pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Sat Feb 1 19:32:57 CST 2014

# HG changeset patch
# User Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david at logilab.fr>
# Date 1391124841 28800
#      Thu Jan 30 15:34:01 2014 -0800
# Node ID 01be490091fdb20f20723e445238f280c7a2f56a
# Parent  e40520642e643a907899bab70ef8409754418a28
exchange: extract push function from localrepo

The localrepo class if far too big. Push and pull logic will be extracted and
reworked to better fit with the fact they now exchange more than plain changeset

This changeset extract the push code. later changeset will slowly slice this
over 200 hundred lines and 8 indentation level function into smaller saner

The localrepo.push method is kept for now to limit impact on user code. But it
will be ultimately removed, now that the public supposed API is hold by peer.

diff --git a/mercurial/exchange.py b/mercurial/exchange.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/exchange.py
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# exchange.py - utily to exchange data between repo.
+# Copyright 2005-2007 Matt Mackall <mpm at selenic.com>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+from i18n import _
+from node import hex
+import errno
+import util, scmutil, changegroup
+import discovery, phases, obsolete, bookmarks
+def push(repo, remote, force=False, revs=None, newbranch=False):
+    '''Push outgoing changesets (limited by revs) from a local
+    repository to remote. Return an integer:
+      - None means nothing to push
+      - 0 means HTTP error
+      - 1 means we pushed and remote head count is unchanged *or*
+        we have outgoing changesets but refused to push
+      - other values as described by addchangegroup()
+    '''
+    if remote.local():
+        missing = set(repo.requirements) - remote.local().supported
+        if missing:
+            msg = _("required features are not"
+                    " supported in the destination:"
+                    " %s") % (', '.join(sorted(missing)))
+            raise util.Abort(msg)
+    # there are two ways to push to remote repo:
+    #
+    # addchangegroup assumes local user can lock remote
+    # repo (local filesystem, old ssh servers).
+    #
+    # unbundle assumes local user cannot lock remote repo (new ssh
+    # servers, http servers).
+    if not remote.canpush():
+        raise util.Abort(_("destination does not support push"))
+    unfi = repo.unfiltered()
+    def localphasemove(nodes, phase=phases.public):
+        """move <nodes> to <phase> in the local source repo"""
+        if locallock is not None:
+            phases.advanceboundary(repo, phase, nodes)
+        else:
+            # repo is not locked, do not change any phases!
+            # Informs the user that phases should have been moved when
+            # applicable.
+            actualmoves = [n for n in nodes if phase < repo[n].phase()]
+            phasestr = phases.phasenames[phase]
+            if actualmoves:
+                repo.ui.status(_('cannot lock source repo, skipping local'
+                                 ' %s phase update\n') % phasestr)
+    # get local lock as we might write phase data
+    locallock = None
+    try:
+        locallock = repo.lock()
+    except IOError, err:
+        if err.errno != errno.EACCES:
+            raise
+        # source repo cannot be locked.
+        # We do not abort the push, but just disable the local phase
+        # synchronisation.
+        msg = 'cannot lock source repository: %s\n' % err
+        repo.ui.debug(msg)
+    try:
+        repo.checkpush(force, revs)
+        lock = None
+        unbundle = remote.capable('unbundle')
+        if not unbundle:
+            lock = remote.lock()
+        try:
+            # discovery
+            fci = discovery.findcommonincoming
+            commoninc = fci(unfi, remote, force=force)
+            common, inc, remoteheads = commoninc
+            fco = discovery.findcommonoutgoing
+            outgoing = fco(unfi, remote, onlyheads=revs,
+                           commoninc=commoninc, force=force)
+            if not outgoing.missing:
+                # nothing to push
+                scmutil.nochangesfound(unfi.ui, unfi, outgoing.excluded)
+                ret = None
+            else:
+                # something to push
+                if not force:
+                    # if repo.obsstore == False --> no obsolete
+                    # then, save the iteration
+                    if unfi.obsstore:
+                        # this message are here for 80 char limit reason
+                        mso = _("push includes obsolete changeset: %s!")
+                        mst = "push includes %s changeset: %s!"
+                        # plain versions for i18n tool to detect them
+                        _("push includes unstable changeset: %s!")
+                        _("push includes bumped changeset: %s!")
+                        _("push includes divergent changeset: %s!")
+                        # If we are to push if there is at least one
+                        # obsolete or unstable changeset in missing, at
+                        # least one of the missinghead will be obsolete or
+                        # unstable. So checking heads only is ok
+                        for node in outgoing.missingheads:
+                            ctx = unfi[node]
+                            if ctx.obsolete():
+                                raise util.Abort(mso % ctx)
+                            elif ctx.troubled():
+                                raise util.Abort(_(mst)
+                                                 % (ctx.troubles()[0],
+                                                    ctx))
+                    newbm = repo.ui.configlist('bookmarks', 'pushing')
+                    discovery.checkheads(unfi, remote, outgoing,
+                                         remoteheads, newbranch,
+                                         bool(inc), newbm)
+                # TODO: get bundlecaps from remote
+                bundlecaps = None
+                # create a changegroup from local
+                if revs is None and not (outgoing.excluded
+                                         or repo.changelog.filteredrevs):
+                    # push everything,
+                    # use the fast path, no race possible on push
+                    bundler = changegroup.bundle10(repo, bundlecaps)
+                    cg = repo._changegroupsubset(outgoing,
+                                                 bundler,
+                                                 'push',
+                                                 fastpath=True)
+                else:
+                    cg = repo.getlocalbundle('push', outgoing, bundlecaps)
+                # apply changegroup to remote
+                if unbundle:
+                    # local repo finds heads on server, finds out what
+                    # revs it must push. once revs transferred, if server
+                    # finds it has different heads (someone else won
+                    # commit/push race), server aborts.
+                    if force:
+                        remoteheads = ['force']
+                    # ssh: return remote's addchangegroup()
+                    # http: return remote's addchangegroup() or 0 for error
+                    ret = remote.unbundle(cg, remoteheads, 'push')
+                else:
+                    # we return an integer indicating remote head count
+                    # change
+                    ret = remote.addchangegroup(cg, 'push', repo.url())
+            if ret:
+                # push succeed, synchronize target of the push
+                cheads = outgoing.missingheads
+            elif revs is None:
+                # All out push fails. synchronize all common
+                cheads = outgoing.commonheads
+            else:
+                # I want cheads = heads(::missingheads and ::commonheads)
+                # (missingheads is revs with secret changeset filtered out)
+                #
+                # This can be expressed as:
+                #     cheads = ( (missingheads and ::commonheads)
+                #              + (commonheads and ::missingheads))"
+                #              )
+                #
+                # while trying to push we already computed the following:
+                #     common = (::commonheads)
+                #     missing = ((commonheads::missingheads) - commonheads)
+                #
+                # We can pick:
+                # * missingheads part of common (::commonheads)
+                common = set(outgoing.common)
+                nm = repo.changelog.nodemap
+                cheads = [node for node in revs if nm[node] in common]
+                # and
+                # * commonheads parents on missing
+                revset = unfi.set('%ln and parents(roots(%ln))',
+                                 outgoing.commonheads,
+                                 outgoing.missing)
+                cheads.extend(c.node() for c in revset)
+            # even when we don't push, exchanging phase data is useful
+            remotephases = remote.listkeys('phases')
+            if (repo.ui.configbool('ui', '_usedassubrepo', False)
+                and remotephases    # server supports phases
+                and ret is None # nothing was pushed
+                and remotephases.get('publishing', False)):
+                # When:
+                # - this is a subrepo push
+                # - and remote support phase
+                # - and no changeset was pushed
+                # - and remote is publishing
+                # We may be in issue 3871 case!
+                # We drop the possible phase synchronisation done by
+                # courtesy to publish changesets possibly locally draft
+                # on the remote.
+                remotephases = {'publishing': 'True'}
+            if not remotephases: # old server or public only repo
+                localphasemove(cheads)
+                # don't push any phase data as there is nothing to push
+            else:
+                ana = phases.analyzeremotephases(repo, cheads, remotephases)
+                pheads, droots = ana
+                ### Apply remote phase on local
+                if remotephases.get('publishing', False):
+                    localphasemove(cheads)
+                else: # publish = False
+                    localphasemove(pheads)
+                    localphasemove(cheads, phases.draft)
+                ### Apply local phase on remote
+                # Get the list of all revs draft on remote by public here.
+                # XXX Beware that revset break if droots is not strictly
+                # XXX root we may want to ensure it is but it is costly
+                outdated =  unfi.set('heads((%ln::%ln) and public())',
+                                     droots, cheads)
+                for newremotehead in outdated:
+                    r = remote.pushkey('phases',
+                                       newremotehead.hex(),
+                                       str(phases.draft),
+                                       str(phases.public))
+                    if not r:
+                        repo.ui.warn(_('updating %s to public failed!\n')
+                                        % newremotehead)
+            repo.ui.debug('try to push obsolete markers to remote\n')
+            obsolete.syncpush(repo, remote)
+        finally:
+            if lock is not None:
+                lock.release()
+    finally:
+        if locallock is not None:
+            locallock.release()
+    bookmarks.updateremote(repo.ui, unfi, remote, revs)
+    return ret
diff --git a/mercurial/localrepo.py b/mercurial/localrepo.py
--- a/mercurial/localrepo.py
+++ b/mercurial/localrepo.py
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 from node import hex, nullid, short
 from i18n import _
 import peer, changegroup, subrepo, discovery, pushkey, obsolete, repoview
 import changelog, dirstate, filelog, manifest, context, bookmarks, phases
 import lock as lockmod
-import transaction, store, encoding
+import transaction, store, encoding, exchange
 import scmutil, util, extensions, hook, error, revset
 import match as matchmod
 import merge as mergemod
 import tags as tagsmod
 from lock import release
@@ -1748,227 +1748,11 @@ class localrepository(object):
     def push(self, remote, force=False, revs=None, newbranch=False):
-        '''Push outgoing changesets (limited by revs) from the current
-        repository to remote. Return an integer:
-          - None means nothing to push
-          - 0 means HTTP error
-          - 1 means we pushed and remote head count is unchanged *or*
-            we have outgoing changesets but refused to push
-          - other values as described by addchangegroup()
-        '''
-        if remote.local():
-            missing = set(self.requirements) - remote.local().supported
-            if missing:
-                msg = _("required features are not"
-                        " supported in the destination:"
-                        " %s") % (', '.join(sorted(missing)))
-                raise util.Abort(msg)
-        # there are two ways to push to remote repo:
-        #
-        # addchangegroup assumes local user can lock remote
-        # repo (local filesystem, old ssh servers).
-        #
-        # unbundle assumes local user cannot lock remote repo (new ssh
-        # servers, http servers).
-        if not remote.canpush():
-            raise util.Abort(_("destination does not support push"))
-        unfi = self.unfiltered()
-        def localphasemove(nodes, phase=phases.public):
-            """move <nodes> to <phase> in the local source repo"""
-            if locallock is not None:
-                phases.advanceboundary(self, phase, nodes)
-            else:
-                # repo is not locked, do not change any phases!
-                # Informs the user that phases should have been moved when
-                # applicable.
-                actualmoves = [n for n in nodes if phase < self[n].phase()]
-                phasestr = phases.phasenames[phase]
-                if actualmoves:
-                    self.ui.status(_('cannot lock source repo, skipping local'
-                                     ' %s phase update\n') % phasestr)
-        # get local lock as we might write phase data
-        locallock = None
-        try:
-            locallock = self.lock()
-        except IOError, err:
-            if err.errno != errno.EACCES:
-                raise
-            # source repo cannot be locked.
-            # We do not abort the push, but just disable the local phase
-            # synchronisation.
-            msg = 'cannot lock source repository: %s\n' % err
-            self.ui.debug(msg)
-        try:
-            self.checkpush(force, revs)
-            lock = None
-            unbundle = remote.capable('unbundle')
-            if not unbundle:
-                lock = remote.lock()
-            try:
-                # discovery
-                fci = discovery.findcommonincoming
-                commoninc = fci(unfi, remote, force=force)
-                common, inc, remoteheads = commoninc
-                fco = discovery.findcommonoutgoing
-                outgoing = fco(unfi, remote, onlyheads=revs,
-                               commoninc=commoninc, force=force)
-                if not outgoing.missing:
-                    # nothing to push
-                    scmutil.nochangesfound(unfi.ui, unfi, outgoing.excluded)
-                    ret = None
-                else:
-                    # something to push
-                    if not force:
-                        # if self.obsstore == False --> no obsolete
-                        # then, save the iteration
-                        if unfi.obsstore:
-                            # this message are here for 80 char limit reason
-                            mso = _("push includes obsolete changeset: %s!")
-                            mst = "push includes %s changeset: %s!"
-                            # plain versions for i18n tool to detect them
-                            _("push includes unstable changeset: %s!")
-                            _("push includes bumped changeset: %s!")
-                            _("push includes divergent changeset: %s!")
-                            # If we are to push if there is at least one
-                            # obsolete or unstable changeset in missing, at
-                            # least one of the missinghead will be obsolete or
-                            # unstable. So checking heads only is ok
-                            for node in outgoing.missingheads:
-                                ctx = unfi[node]
-                                if ctx.obsolete():
-                                    raise util.Abort(mso % ctx)
-                                elif ctx.troubled():
-                                    raise util.Abort(_(mst)
-                                                     % (ctx.troubles()[0],
-                                                        ctx))
-                        newbm = self.ui.configlist('bookmarks', 'pushing')
-                        discovery.checkheads(unfi, remote, outgoing,
-                                             remoteheads, newbranch,
-                                             bool(inc), newbm)
-                    # TODO: get bundlecaps from remote
-                    bundlecaps = None
-                    # create a changegroup from local
-                    if revs is None and not (outgoing.excluded
-                                             or self.changelog.filteredrevs):
-                        # push everything,
-                        # use the fast path, no race possible on push
-                        bundler = changegroup.bundle10(self, bundlecaps)
-                        cg = self._changegroupsubset(outgoing,
-                                                     bundler,
-                                                     'push',
-                                                     fastpath=True)
-                    else:
-                        cg = self.getlocalbundle('push', outgoing, bundlecaps)
-                    # apply changegroup to remote
-                    if unbundle:
-                        # local repo finds heads on server, finds out what
-                        # revs it must push. once revs transferred, if server
-                        # finds it has different heads (someone else won
-                        # commit/push race), server aborts.
-                        if force:
-                            remoteheads = ['force']
-                        # ssh: return remote's addchangegroup()
-                        # http: return remote's addchangegroup() or 0 for error
-                        ret = remote.unbundle(cg, remoteheads, 'push')
-                    else:
-                        # we return an integer indicating remote head count
-                        # change
-                        ret = remote.addchangegroup(cg, 'push', self.url())
-                if ret:
-                    # push succeed, synchronize target of the push
-                    cheads = outgoing.missingheads
-                elif revs is None:
-                    # All out push fails. synchronize all common
-                    cheads = outgoing.commonheads
-                else:
-                    # I want cheads = heads(::missingheads and ::commonheads)
-                    # (missingheads is revs with secret changeset filtered out)
-                    #
-                    # This can be expressed as:
-                    #     cheads = ( (missingheads and ::commonheads)
-                    #              + (commonheads and ::missingheads))"
-                    #              )
-                    #
-                    # while trying to push we already computed the following:
-                    #     common = (::commonheads)
-                    #     missing = ((commonheads::missingheads) - commonheads)
-                    #
-                    # We can pick:
-                    # * missingheads part of common (::commonheads)
-                    common = set(outgoing.common)
-                    nm = self.changelog.nodemap
-                    cheads = [node for node in revs if nm[node] in common]
-                    # and
-                    # * commonheads parents on missing
-                    revset = unfi.set('%ln and parents(roots(%ln))',
-                                     outgoing.commonheads,
-                                     outgoing.missing)
-                    cheads.extend(c.node() for c in revset)
-                # even when we don't push, exchanging phase data is useful
-                remotephases = remote.listkeys('phases')
-                if (self.ui.configbool('ui', '_usedassubrepo', False)
-                    and remotephases    # server supports phases
-                    and ret is None # nothing was pushed
-                    and remotephases.get('publishing', False)):
-                    # When:
-                    # - this is a subrepo push
-                    # - and remote support phase
-                    # - and no changeset was pushed
-                    # - and remote is publishing
-                    # We may be in issue 3871 case!
-                    # We drop the possible phase synchronisation done by
-                    # courtesy to publish changesets possibly locally draft
-                    # on the remote.
-                    remotephases = {'publishing': 'True'}
-                if not remotephases: # old server or public only repo
-                    localphasemove(cheads)
-                    # don't push any phase data as there is nothing to push
-                else:
-                    ana = phases.analyzeremotephases(self, cheads, remotephases)
-                    pheads, droots = ana
-                    ### Apply remote phase on local
-                    if remotephases.get('publishing', False):
-                        localphasemove(cheads)
-                    else: # publish = False
-                        localphasemove(pheads)
-                        localphasemove(cheads, phases.draft)
-                    ### Apply local phase on remote
-                    # Get the list of all revs draft on remote by public here.
-                    # XXX Beware that revset break if droots is not strictly
-                    # XXX root we may want to ensure it is but it is costly
-                    outdated =  unfi.set('heads((%ln::%ln) and public())',
-                                         droots, cheads)
-                    for newremotehead in outdated:
-                        r = remote.pushkey('phases',
-                                           newremotehead.hex(),
-                                           str(phases.draft),
-                                           str(phases.public))
-                        if not r:
-                            self.ui.warn(_('updating %s to public failed!\n')
-                                            % newremotehead)
-                self.ui.debug('try to push obsolete markers to remote\n')
-                obsolete.syncpush(self, remote)
-            finally:
-                if lock is not None:
-                    lock.release()
-        finally:
-            if locallock is not None:
-                locallock.release()
-        bookmarks.updateremote(self.ui, unfi, remote, revs)
-        return ret
+        return exchange.push(self, remote, force, revs, newbranch)
     def changegroupinfo(self, nodes, source):
         if self.ui.verbose or source == 'bundle':
             self.ui.status(_("%d changesets found\n") % len(nodes))
         if self.ui.debugflag:

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