[PATCH 019 of 179 tests-refactor] run-tests: finish moving tsttest() into TTest

Gregory Szorc gregory.szorc at gmail.com
Fri May 2 13:37:36 CDT 2014

# HG changeset patch
# User Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc at gmail.com>
# Date 1397947070 25200
#      Sat Apr 19 15:37:50 2014 -0700
# Branch stable
# Node ID 48daa5fba4cc8b681cc19f19a5f8aec69b3d7e22
# Parent  7905efbfa8e2a7004fe963716de583af00ae92d9
run-tests: finish moving tsttest() into TTest

diff --git a/tests/run-tests.py b/tests/run-tests.py
--- a/tests/run-tests.py
+++ b/tests/run-tests.py
@@ -740,77 +740,16 @@ def linematch(el, l):
         if el.endswith(" (re)\n"):
             return rematch(el[:-6], l)
         if el.endswith(" (glob)\n"):
             return globmatch(el[:-8], l)
         if os.altsep and l.replace('\\', '/') == el:
             return '+glob'
     return False
-def tsttest(t, wd, options, salt, after, expected, exitcode, output):
-    # Merge the script output back into a unified test
-    warnonly = 1 # 1: not yet, 2: yes, 3: for sure not
-    if exitcode != 0: # failure has been reported
-        warnonly = 3 # set to "for sure not"
-    pos = -1
-    postout = []
-    for l in output:
-        lout, lcmd = l, None
-        if salt in l:
-            lout, lcmd = l.split(salt, 1)
-        if lout:
-            if not lout.endswith('\n'):
-                lout += ' (no-eol)\n'
-            # find the expected output at the current position
-            el = None
-            if pos in expected and expected[pos]:
-                el = expected[pos].pop(0)
-            r = linematch(el, lout)
-            if isinstance(r, str):
-                if r == '+glob':
-                    lout = el[:-1] + ' (glob)\n'
-                    r = '' # warn only this line
-                elif r == '-glob':
-                    lout = ''.join(el.rsplit(' (glob)', 1))
-                    r = '' # warn only this line
-                else:
-                    log('\ninfo, unknown linematch result: %r\n' % r)
-                    r = False
-            if r:
-                postout.append("  " + el)
-            else:
-                if needescape(lout):
-                    lout = stringescape(lout.rstrip('\n')) + " (esc)\n"
-                postout.append("  " + lout) # let diff deal with it
-                if r != '': # if line failed
-                    warnonly = 3 # set to "for sure not"
-                elif warnonly == 1: # is "not yet" (and line is warn only)
-                    warnonly = 2 # set to "yes" do warn
-        if lcmd:
-            # add on last return code
-            ret = int(lcmd.split()[1])
-            if ret != 0:
-                postout.append("  [%s]\n" % ret)
-            if pos in after:
-                # merge in non-active test bits
-                postout += after.pop(pos)
-            pos = int(lcmd.split()[0])
-    if pos in after:
-        postout += after.pop(pos)
-    if warnonly == 2:
-        exitcode = False # set exitcode to warned
-    return exitcode, postout
 class TTest(Test):
     """A "t test" is a test backed by a .t file."""
     def _run(self, testtmp, replacements, env):
         f = open(self._path)
         lines = f.readlines()
@@ -827,18 +766,17 @@ class TTest(Test):
         vlog("# Running", cmd)
         exitcode, output = run(cmd, testtmp, self._options, replacements, env)
         # Do not merge output if skipped. Return hghave message instead.
         # Similarly, with --debug, output is None.
         if exitcode == SKIPPED_STATUS or output is None:
             return exitcode, output
-        return tsttest(self, testtmp, self._options, salt, after, expected,
-                       exitcode, output)
+        return self._processoutput(exitcode, output, salt, after, expected)
     def _hghave(self, reqs, testtmp):
         # TODO do something smarter when all other uses of hghave are gone.
         tdir = TESTDIR.replace('\\', '/')
         proc = Popen4('%s -c "%s/hghave %s"' %
                       (self._options.shell, tdir, ' '.join(reqs)),
                       testtmp, 0)
         stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
@@ -952,16 +890,77 @@ class TTest(Test):
         if inpython:
         if skipping is not None:
             after.setdefault(pos, []).append('  !!! missing #endif\n')
         addsalt(n + 1, False)
         return salt, script, after, expected
+    def _processoutput(self, exitcode, output, salt, after, expected):
+        # Merge the script output back into a unified test.
+        warnonly = 1 # 1: not yet; 2: yes; 3: for sure not
+        if exitcode != 0:
+            warnonly = 3
+        pos = -1
+        postout = []
+        for l in output:
+            lout, lcmd = l, None
+            if salt in l:
+                lout, lcmd = l.split(salt, 1)
+            if lout:
+                if not lout.endswith('\n'):
+                    lout += ' (no-eol)\n'
+                # Find the expected output at the current position.
+                el = None
+                if expected.get(pos, None):
+                    el = expected[pos].pop(0)
+                r = linematch(el, lout)
+                if isinstance(r, str):
+                    if r == '+glob':
+                        lout = el[:-1] + ' (glob)\n'
+                        r = '' # Warn only this line.
+                    elif r == '-glob':
+                        lout = ''.join(el.rsplit(' (glob)', 1))
+                        r = '' # Warn only this line.
+                    else:
+                        log('\ninfo, unknown linematch result: %r\n' % r)
+                        r = False
+                if r:
+                    postout.append('  ' + el)
+                else:
+                    if needescape(lout):
+                        lout = stringescape(lout.rstrip('\n')) + ' (esc)\n'
+                    postout.append('  ' + lout) # Let diff deal with it.
+                    if r != '': # If line failed.
+                        warnonly = 3 # for sure not
+                    elif warnonly == 1: # Is "not yet" and line is warn only.
+                        warnonly = 2 # Yes do warn.
+            if lcmd:
+                # Add on last return code.
+                ret = int(lcmd.split()[1])
+                if ret != 0:
+                    postout.append('  [%s]\n' % ret)
+                if pos in after:
+                    # Merge in non-active test bits.
+                    postout += after.pop(pos)
+                pos = int(lcmd.split()[0])
+        if pos in after:
+            postout += after.pop(pos)
+        if warnonly == 2:
+            exitcode = False # Set exitcode to warned.
+        return exitcode, postout
 wifexited = getattr(os, "WIFEXITED", lambda x: False)
 def run(cmd, wd, options, replacements, env):
     """Run command in a sub-process, capturing the output (stdout and stderr).
     Return a tuple (exitcode, output).  output is None in debug mode."""
     # TODO: Use subprocess.Popen if we're running on Python 2.4
     if options.debug:
         proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, cwd=wd, env=env)

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