hg switch

Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso jordigh at octave.org
Mon Oct 20 11:55:12 CDT 2014

On Sat, 2014-10-18 at 21:17 +0300, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> http://git-legit.org/
> $ git switch <branch>
> # Switches to branch. Stashes and restores unstaged changes.

I don't quite get this. It seems to me like the real problem is 


The current workaround is to shelve and unshelve in Mercurial or in
git, but what benefit is this giving you? Either way, you have to
merge the working directory. The shelving and unshelving would just
give you a way to undo this merge state.

Maybe instead of growing a new command, the solution is to fix the
update command to shelve and unshelve and that will be the path
towards `hg update --abort`?

- Jordi G. H.

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