[PATCH] changegroup: introduce cg3, which has support for exchanging treemanifests

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Thu Dec 10 16:08:18 CST 2015

On 12/10/2015 09:59 PM, Pierre-Yves David wrote:
> On 12/10/2015 09:54 PM, Augie Fackler wrote:
>>> On Dec 10, 2015, at 4:36 PM, Martin von Zweigbergk
>>> <martinvonz at google.com> wrote:
>>> I guess you missed the "Augie says he wants to add some flag fields"
>>> part in my previous mail :-)
>>> Augie, does it seem fine for you to add those in a followup patch?
>>> (Seems fine to me)
>> As long as nobody minds a breaking change in the cg3 format in the
>> next month, it’s fine.
> We have to drop that then. CG3 is going to be picked automatically on
> exchange, and Facebook will likely deploy current tip in the next month.

You current best solution to drop this from the clowncopter without 
loosing a local copy is:

$ hg pull clowncopter
# since the bad changeset is currently @
$ BADHASH=`hg log -T '{node}' -r @`
$ hg touch $BADHASH # get a new version
$ hg prune --hidden $BADHASH # say the old version is dead-dead
$ hg bookmark -r @~1 --force # move @ backward
# force the backward bookmark move on clowncopter
# and push the prune marker for the bad hash.
$ hg push -B @ clowncopter

(This is not viewed as an acceptable user experience)

Pierre-Yves David

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