[PATCH] share: replace the bookmarks.shared file with an entry on a new shared.conf file

Ryan McElroy rm at fb.com
Mon Jan 12 12:28:03 CST 2015

On 1/11/2015 10:52 PM, Siddharth Agarwal wrote:
> On 01/11/2015 07:23 AM, Angel Ezquerra wrote:
>> The shared file is a config file that can be read with mercurial's config
>> module. I've decided against calling the config file "sharerc" to emphasize the
>> fact that this file is not meant to be edited by users. Each shared "item" is
>> added as an entry in the "share" section of the share.conf file. For now the
>> only possible entry in that section is "bookmarks".
> I don't think share.conf indicates non-editability any more than
> sharerc. Maybe just a file called 'shares' or 'shared', similar to
> 'requires'?
> Do you actually anticipate any use of full-blown configs? If not, why
> not make it similar to the requires file?
I agree that making it more similar to the requires file (eg, not in 
"configuration file format" with [sections]) makes more sense here.

I like the idea of having a single file for shared parts of the repo 
instead of a .shared file for each part though; this is definitely a 
good direction.

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