[PATCH 3 of 5 paths v3] ui.paths: filter config options containing "." (BC)

Gilles Moris gilles.moris at free.fr
Tue Mar 24 01:38:05 CDT 2015

Le 23/03/2015 17:42, Ryan McElroy a écrit :
> I chatted with @pyd on the Caltrain on Saturday about this before I 
> sent the email. The possibility of "remotes" came up but the peer 
> might be "local" as well (eg, another dir on your machine made me not 
> fall in love with that name, but I'm not against it either). But since 
> we're bikeshedding, let me throw out a few more  possibilities with 
> commentary:
> [peers]   # I really like this one, it's very mercurial-y, I just 
> realized this might be a good name when writing my response above
> [newpaths]  # Obviously related to paths
> [paths2] # shorter, same as above
> ~Ryan

Then let me throw:

new is only new until it is superseded by something even newer.


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