How to get your patches ignored indefinitely

Matt Mackall mpm at
Mon Mar 30 16:47:55 UTC 2015

Queuebot's been nicely asking people to be less bursty since the
beginning of the year but it apparently isn't working. On Friday night,
I had no patches in my inbox, but by 7am Saturday morning queuebot was
asking everyone to slow down and this morning it's asking people to
wait. This is your friendly reminder that you're not doing yourself any
favors by ignoring its advice.

If you send your patches in large bursts, you'll quickly find yourself
on the end of this list:

This list is sorted roughly by:

- branch
- number of patches from each developer
- age of patch

..and I use it as a guide for what order to look at patches. Thus,
people who respect the limited review bandwidth by having only a few
patches in flight will be continuously rewarded with quick turn-around
and higher throughput and people who don't will have a sad with no upper

Mathematics is the supreme nostalgia of our time.

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