[PATCH 1 of 4 mergedriver] debugmergestate: explain why we create mergestate objects directly

Martin von Zweigbergk martinvonz at google.com
Wed Nov 18 12:38:54 CST 2015

On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 10:07 AM Siddharth Agarwal <sid at less-broken.com>

> On 11/17/15 22:56, Martin von Zweigbergk wrote:
> > This explains why it's okay to do it, but why is it not okay to call
> > read() instead? I guess read() is the alternative here that you want
> > to avoid. The comment in the patch body explains even less about the
> > reason for avoiding it. I don't mind fixing up in flight if you
> > provide a text
> Yeah, sorry, meant to add that before sending but forgot.
> How about this for text?

Sounds good. I also updated the code comment to explain why read() would be

> We would normally use the read() constructur, but in this case it's fine
> because
> - we implement our own reading layer, so the extra parsing done by
>    read() is unnecessary
> - read() can throw an exception for unsupported merge state records,
>    but here we'd like to handle that separately
> - debugmergestate needs to be privy to mergestate internals anyway
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