How much is Bitbucket largefiles support worth to you?

Sean Farley sean at
Tue Feb 9 22:17:08 UTC 2016

It should be apparent by now that we're working on Git LFS[1] support
for Bitbucket. For those that use largefiles, this should be good news.
I've tried to latch onto the work a teammate is doing for Git LFS but
unfortunately hit a roadblock.

The gist is that we need to send a url to the client to tell it where to
upload the largefiles. This could almost be hacked in with http
redirection but SSH wouldn't be able to use that.

Instead, I was going to ask the Mercurial community if someone could
implement this type of redirection (keeping authentication in mind). If
this happened, I could implement the server-side code to work with this.
Theoretically, a user could optionally use some other kind of backend
for the largefiles and still use Bitbucket for code hosting.

Another option for this is to get a student for GSoC to do this.



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