Conditionalizing imports Python2 - Python3

Wasim Thabraze waseem.tabraze at
Sun Feb 28 07:09:12 UTC 2016

Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on conditionalizing imports (Moving towards Python3 -

In '/contrib' folder I found some issues with the imports.

1. In ''  we are importing 'builtins' as 'import __builtin__'.
This works in Python 2 but Python 3 gives an ImportError. To resolve this
we need to change it to  'import builtins'. This works in both Python 2 and
Python 3.

2. In '' we import 'cStringIO' but this raises an ImportError in
Python 3. Python 3 version of 'cStringIO' is 'from io import StringIO'. So
changing 'import cStringIO' to 'from io import StringIO'  would work in
both Python 2 and Python 3.

3. In '' we import http server module as 'BaseHTTPServer'.
This doesn't work in Python 3. Raises an Import Error. Changing 'import
BaseHTTPServer' to 'from http import server' would work fine in both Python
2 and 3.

We can also resolve them by making conditional imports as follows for all
such imports.

>>> try:...     import BaseHTTPServer... except ImportError:...     from http import server

I'm currently working on this task of conditionalizing imports and other
tasks mentioned.

I feel glad if I can receive feedback about it.

Thank You.

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