[PATCH 2 of 3 V5] shelve: make non bare shelve not saving branch information in bundle

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Sat Mar 19 12:54:44 EDT 2016

On 03/19/2016 08:23 AM, Piotr Listkiewicz wrote:
>     The series looks good to me but the description of this patch 2 is
>     problematic. It goes in length to explain exactly what the code is
>     doing (duplicating the patch, otherwise quite simple) but is does
>     not explain -why- this is necessary or why this is a good idea.
>     If you can rephrase this as a reply to this message, I will update
>     you patch and try to push it.
> I hope this description is better explaining whats going on:
> shelve: make non bare shelve not saving branch information in bundle
> This patch prepares for restoring newly created branch only on
> bare shelve later because information about new-branch will be
> preserved only when shelve was bare and working copy branch
> was different than branch of its parent. In other case information
> about new-branch will be gone, so unshelve will not recognise that
> shelve was made on new-branch and it will not restore branch
> information from the bundle to the working directory.

Pushed to the clowncopter with the new description, thanks.

Pierre-Yves David

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